Welcome to the Zuva Rabuda foundation
Rural residents in Zimbabwe live under harsh conditions. For example, rain falls only for short periods of time. Sometimes that rain is enough to grow maize, the most important part of the meal. Sometimes it is not, and then there is too much or too little rain in too short a time. There is no electricity and no stores where vegetables can be bought. For water, women sometimes have to travel long distances. Zuva Rabuda therefore drills for water in the countryside. This saves hours of walking. Residents can also plant vegetable gardens around the wells. These vegetables are for their own consumption or for sale.

In 2024 we were able to drill boreholes in Murewe. A difficult area due to the granite soil. Of te 5 drilles holes 4 contained water!
In the past 10 years, Zuva Rabuda has drilled a total of 105 boreholes of which 91 had water!
Will you help towards drilling even more boreholes?